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‘Cedar fever’ season is upon us, and some symptoms may mimic COVID-19

Texas cedars are actually junipers, and they can do a number on your allergies.

Texas cedars are actually junipers. But whatever you call them, they can be friend or foe. They are beautiful trees and good for the environment in their own way, but they also cause allergy problems. “Cedar fever” season is here, and it is extra concerning lately. The main culprit is mountain cedar, aka Ashe juniper.

The pollen from trees in Texas is so heavy that even if you aren’t generally susceptible to allergies, you can still be seriously affected.

The source isn’t limited to Ashe junipers. In eastern parts of the state and here in North Texas, eastern red cedars pollinate around the same time, between December and January. All the native cedars release pollen after a cold front, when the wind picks up and the air dries out. Every pollen cone can open simultaneously, making the trees look like they’re on fire and exploding with smoke.


The pollination period of cedar trees is in the middle of flu season, and it’s not uncommon for people experiencing cedar fever to mistake symptoms for colds or seasonal flu. Symptoms may include fatigue, sore throat, runny nose, partial loss of smell and occasionally even a fever.

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The female fruit of the native cedars does not contribute to allergies.
The female fruit of the native cedars does not contribute to allergies.(Howard Garrett / Special Contributor)

This year is particularly concerning, since many of the symptoms are similar to those of the COVID-19 virus. Watch for these tell-tale signs, however. Cedar pollen will rarely cause your body temperature to surpass 101.5. If your fever exceeds that, pollen probably isn’t the cause. There are also other symptoms of cedar fever like itchy and watery eyes, blocked nasal passages and sneezing. Experts say that there is one “dead giveaway.” If your mucus is running clear, it’s probably an allergy. If it’s a darker color, it may be a cold, flu or other illness.

Removing cedar trees from your property won’t help much. The pollen is airborne and blows in from miles away from the millions of male cedars in south-central and East Texas.


Our native junipers also have some significant health and environmental benefits. They’re used to make medicines and oils and also provide a sustainable food source for wildlife, especially when growing in terrain that isn’t hospitable for other crops.

Cedar fever can be treated by taking allergy medications and antihistamines, but you should consult with your physician on that. Other remedies you might hear recommended include keeping doors and windows closed, keeping air conditioners on, changing air filters frequently, dusting with a damp cloth, showering and changing your clothes after being outdoors, and bathing pets often.

Some of the natural alternatives you might hear suggested include massage, acupuncture, herbal supplements, allergy shots or drops, greens and fruit antioxidants, nasal irrigation devices, spicy food, probiotics and local honey. All of those can improve your health but may not help directly with the cedar fever.


I like the taste of the juniper’s blue fruit, but curing the “fever”? Sorry — wish I had better news.

The male flowers of the native cedar (actually a juniper tree) contribute to "cedar fever"...
The male flowers of the native cedar (actually a juniper tree) contribute to "cedar fever" allergies.(Howard Garrett / Special Contributor)
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