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How much do Dallas city employees make? Here’s the data to find out

Explore the data to find out how much city of Dallas employees made in 2022 and 2023.

Dallas’ top earners at City Hall oversaw the day-to-day operations of the municipal government and managed the city civilian employees’ pension.

Former City Manager T.C. Broadnax topped the city’s payroll in 2022 and 2023 as the highest earning municipal government employee, Dallas records show.

Broadnax earned more than $443,000 in total gross wages in 2022 and over $455,000 the next year, according to payroll records obtained by The Dallas Morning News. He announced in February plans to resign from the city and started as Austin’s city manager in May.


The second-highest earner was Cheryl Alston, executive director of the Dallas Employees’ Retirement Fund. She took home more than $355,000 in 2022 and over $373,000 in 2023.

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Former City Attorney Chris Caso rounded out the top three in 2022 earning more than $325,000 in total gross wages. The next year, the third highest earners were former Deputy City Managers Kimberly Bizor Tolbert and Jon Fortune, who each took home over $304,000.

Caso retired last year; Fortune was hired in May as deputy city manager in Austin; and Tolbert took over as Dallas’ interim city manager after Broadnax left.


Dallas spends more than $1 billion a year on payroll for about 15,000 workers, including part-time and temporary employees.

The News analyzed the city’s payroll over the last two years and found that apart from the city’s top officials, the workers who earned the most largely did so through overtime pay.

Dallas’ top 25 overtime earners in 2022 and 2023 were all police officers and firefighters. In fact, about half of the city’s top 25 overall wage earners those years were police and firefighters, according to city records.


Dallas reported paying more than 9,800 city workers over $128 million in overtime in 2022. The next year, more than 10,000 city employees earned over $140 million in overtime, according to city data.

The payouts in 2023 ranged from 54 cents to more than $184,000, at times far exceeding a worker’s base pay. The range the year before ran from $2.38 to nearly $156,000.

The News compiled 2022 and 2023 payroll data, which is public information, from the city of Dallas into searchable databases. The data includes those who were employees in 2022 and 2023. Some records show staffers who received less than a full year’s salary because of resignations or other factors. Some records may also reflect bonuses that aren’t part of a worker’s annual salary.