

Why haven’t we heard from extraterrestrial life? Plate tectonics may hold clue, study says

UT Dallas researcher and colleague suggest that plate tectonics and the existence of oceans and continents are crucial for advanced life to develop.

Plate tectonics, or the shifting of plates across a planet or moon, may be the key to lifeforms developing as an advanced species. And the rarity of plate tectonics elsewhere in the universe may be the reason we haven’t heard from other civilizations across the galaxy, according to research by a geology professor at University of Texas at Dallas.

Robert Stern of University of Texas at Dallas and Taras Gerya, a professor at ETH-Zurich, recently published a paper in Nature Scientific Reports based on a series of calculations using plate tectonics as variables in something known as the Drake Equation.

The Drake Equation proposes different conditions that can lead to advanced civilizations — ones that we could detect through radio waves or that could potentially send their own. The equation suggests that it should be common to detect radio waves of an advanced species in the galaxy.


The Fermi Paradox, however, stares back at the Drake Equation and asks: If advanced life is so common, then why haven’t we been contacted?

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Headshot of Dr. Robert J. Stern, UTD Sustainable Earth Systems Sciences
Headshot of Dr. Robert J. Stern, UTD Sustainable Earth Systems Sciences(Sarah Wall / Sarah Wall)

Stern and Gerya argue that by using the Drake Equation — or at least one of its seven variables — to think about how life evolved on Earth, we can understand how we became an advanced species. Specifically, they are focused on a variable that considers the number of planets with life that can evolve and develop advanced technology that we can detect.

Their research suggests that plate tectonics and the existence of oceans and continents are crucial for advanced life to develop. However, like the Drake Equation and the Fermi Paradox, even the exact origin of plate tectonics has inspired debate.


How plate tectonics may have impacted life

Stern and Gerya focused on active planets — those with interiors that are still hot enough to partially melt material and form young volcanoes. Their research excluded icy planets and moons like Jupiter’s Europa and Saturn’s Enceladus, which may have life but not enough land to support the development of an advanced civilization.


Earth is unique among active planets and moons. Our plates move independently — sliding, colliding and separating due to the movement of heat beneath the surface.

Other planets and moons experience single-lid tectonics. They may still have hot interiors — even enough to form volcanoes, like on Venus and Jupiter’s moon Io. But the planet or moon’s surface acts mostly as one big plate.

Stern and Gerya believe that Earth was a single-lid planet up until 1 billion years ago and then transitioned into the modern behavior of plate tectonics.

Once modern plate tectonics began, Stern and Gerya suggest that plate tectonics increased oxygen levels in the atmosphere and increased the erosion and weathering of rocks. This process would have released nutrients essential to life on land and the oceans. It would have also lowered the temperature, as oxygen can break down greenhouse gasses.

And plate tectonics would have continuously created new habitats, which would have forced life to adapt, creating new species and forms.

Once life moved from water to land, Stern and Gerya believe that conditions for advanced life would have been more likely, since discovering combustion and fire and eventually radio waves would have been unlikely underwater.

Still, the timing of when plate tectonics started on Earth isn’t set in stone. T. Mark Harrison, a retired University of California at Los Angeles geologist, doesn’t disagree with plate tectonics being important for more advanced life, because he says one problem is there’s no consensus on when plate tectonics started on Earth.

Stern and Gerya’s argument rests on plate tectonics, as it acts today, beginning around 1 billion years ago. However, if plate tectonics started earlier, it would mean that plate tectonics and the existence of oceans and continents wouldn’t completely explain the rapid development of complex life that eventually led to advanced life.


Plate tectonics, erosion and weathering are constantly destroying older material. So if plate tectonics happened earlier, the evidence may no longer be around. Therefore, it’s possible that plate tectonics started not long after Earth formed, according to Harrison.

Stern and Gerya acknowledge that older material on Earth is constantly being destroyed. But they argue that there’s enough Earth material to reconstruct the planet’s history to about 2.5 billion years ago.

“This may not be something that is ever satisfactorily addressable,” Harrison said.

Addressing the Drake Equation

Stern and Gerya used their assumptions on plate tectonics to refine a factor in the Drake Equation that considers the probability that a celestial body will develop life that will evolve into an advanced species.


They essentially split this factor into two — one factor that deals with the likelihood that an active planet or moon will have plate tectonics and whether or not it has large continents and oceans.

They estimated that the fraction of planets and moons in the galaxy with primitive life and that also have plate tectonics, large oceans and continents is likely very small.

This would mean the number of advanced civilizations in the Milky Way is also very small, making the chances of encountering advanced, extraterrestrial civilizations extremely slim.

Insight into life across the galaxy

Pascal Lee, a planetary scientist at the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute also believes that advanced life in the galaxy is low. In fact, he believes that we’re probably the only advanced life in the galaxy.


However, he doesn’t believe that Stern’s research rewrites the Drake Equation. He does believe the research adds another possible explanation for how advanced life develops.

Peter James, a planetary geologist and assistant professor at Baylor University, added, “I think a really important insight from this paper is that the idea of [what leads to] a habitable zone around a star is incomplete, because the behavior of a planetary system is dependent on a lot of geological factors, and those are crucial for making a planet habitable.”

While Stern and Gerya’s findings suggest advanced life may be rare, they suggest that new approaches to detecting plate tectonic activity across the galaxy may increase our chances of identifying an advanced species.

Jordan Chapman reports on science for The Dallas Morning News as part of a fellowship with the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

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