

Could your phone ever help you see through stuff? A UT Dallas scientist is working on it

UTD’s Kenneth O says the Superman-like technology could eventually allow the chip to be used up to 10 inches away.

We may not be able to fly like superheroes from Krypton, but we may have their vision in the back of our phones in the future. Or at least a University of Texas at Dallas researcher is trying to make that happen.

Kenneth O, a professor of electrical engineering at UT Dallas, is involved in research to design a “Superman” imager chip that can help users see through materials like cardboard, paper, some fabrics and even chocolates.


His lab developed a prototype of the chip and his research was published in the March 2024 edition of IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology. The research involved a collaboration with researchers from Seoul National University, with funding support from Texas Instruments and the Samsung Global Research Outreach Program.

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All energy falls on the electromagnetic spectrum. Forms of energy with shorter wavelengths, like X-rays, are more energetic and can be harmful to humans and animals if they are exposed in high amounts. Forms of energy with longer wavelengths, like radio waves, are less energetic and pose less risk. Visible light, which the human eye can detect, falls between short and long wavelengths.

University of Texas at Dallas professor Dr. Kenneth O is involved in research to design a...
University of Texas at Dallas professor Dr. Kenneth O is involved in research to design a “Superman” imager chip that can help users see through materials like cardboard, paper and some fabrics.(Jason Janik / Special Contributor)

Cameras capture images when a light source, like the sun, emits light that bounces off an object. As the light travels, it passes through the camera’s lens and hits millions of tiny photo-detectors which then record the image as an electrical signal.

O’s prototype imager chip doesn’t have a lens, and it emits its own energy with a wavelength in the millimeter range that reflects off objects. Millimeter wavelengths are longer than visible light and infrared waves, and shorter than microwaves.

Once the chip emits the millimeter wave signal, it travels through a material like a cardboard box, bounces off the object inside, and back toward the chip. When it reaches the chip, it hits a series of detectors in the chip that then create an image.


Matt Reynolds, an associate professor in the University of Washington’s department of electrical and computer engineering, says that we’re somewhat familiar with the technology already.

At airports, TSA uses X-rays to scan bags. But those machines that we walk through and put our hands over our heads, called stationary passenger screeners, use a signal with a similar wavelength as O’s chip.

The chip is much smaller and doesn’t have the same power.

At the moment, the chip can only be used from an inch away from the object it’s trying to image. But O says the technology could eventually allow the chip to be used up to 10 inches away.

“There are real privacy concerns if the range becomes too large. It can raise all kinds of issues and potentially cause problems. So we really like to limit the capability,” O said.

Brian Ginsburg, director of RF and high-speed research at Texas Instruments’ Kilby Labs who provided funding support for this research, echoed O’s points on privacy.

“At longer distances, you could surreptitiously see what is in people’s bags without their knowledge and potentially even see under clothing,” Ginsburg said in an email. “Although, at the frequencies used by O’s group, clothing tends to blur any images”.


Reynolds says the applications of the imager chip have safety features that shouldn’t prevent us from continuing to research this technology.

“Professor O raises the point [in O’s peer-reviewed article] that these sensors could also be used for safety purposes, for example, to keep self-driving cars or robots from bumping into people,” said Reynolds, who is not involved in O’s research. According to Reynolds, the technology would need to be scaled-up, but it could be used to detect pedestrians in harsh conditions like foggy or snowy nights.

O said another use for the chip could be detecting blades or metal objects inside of chocolate. Ginsburg added the technology could be used to help users see through cardboard boxes or envelopes sent through the mail.


He also said the chip could be used to inspect the quality of finished goods or to see if there are any problems on the coatings of medical pills. The chip can also be used as a “sophisticated” stud finder, according to both Ginsburg and O.

PhD student Walter Sosa (left) and University of Texas at Dallas professor Dr. Kenneth O...
PhD student Walter Sosa (left) and University of Texas at Dallas professor Dr. Kenneth O discuss their imager chip project on the UTD campus in Richardson. (Jason Janik / Special Contributor)

However, it could be a while before we have this imaging technology in our phones. It could be another decade, according to Reynolds

O’s next steps are to continue to improve the sensitivity of the pixels and to increase the number of pixels on the chip from three to the tens and even hundreds. This is needed to make real-time images and videos and it’s similar to increasing the pixel count on a camera, Ginsburg said.


The amount of energy needed to power the chip will need to be addressed if the pixel count increases, Reynolds said.

“Almost over 20 years, we’ve been working on this. The amazing thing is that the community around us has been able to improve the performance of these pixels by 100 million times, which is phenomenal… If you look at where we have come from,” a practical handheld device with the Superman-inspired vision “doesn’t seem that far away,” O said.

Jordan Chapman reports on science for The Dallas Morning News as part of a fellowship with the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

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