

Dallas schools delay roll out of parenting sessions in response to discipline problems

Dallas ISD trustees voted on a revised code of conduct Thursday.

Dallas school leaders will delay the roll out of parenting classes as a potential consequence for student misbehavior.

The decision came during a Thursday board meeting during which trustees voted on a revised code of conduct.

While Dallas ISD officials still want to provide such sessions to families, they won’t implement them until October.


“We need time to ensure that we have the course offerings, the content, the training, all of that,” Deputy Superintendent of Staff and Racial Equity Pam Lear said.

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Previous drafts of the revised code said a principal could assign a student six hours of community service or tutoring rather than a stint in DAEP, Texas’ name for disciplinary alternative schools. At the same time, a parent would need to complete three hours of classes designed to provide guidance on what’s going on with the child.


The district fielded concerns from families about the concept of parenting classes and what they would involve.

Ahead of the vote, trustee Ed Turner said some people may take offense at the idea of the district telling them how to parent their child. He asked whether the district would consider renaming “parenting classes” to something more positive.

Ed Turner, a member of Dallas Independent School District Board of Trustees, speaks about a...
Ed Turner, a member of Dallas Independent School District Board of Trustees, speaks about a new code of conduct for students during a board meeting Thursday, June 27, 2024, in Dallas. (Chitose Suzuki / Staff Photographer)

Superintendent Stephanie Elizalde directed her team to label the approach as “parenting support.”

“This is a great opportunity for us to work with our parents as partners,” Elizalde said. “We want our students to be successful, and the way our students are most successful is when we forge relationships with our parents. And so the last thing I would want is for any language to sound condescending or judgmental.”


The revised code of conduct approved Thursday night no longer calls for specific hours to be completed in lieu of sending a student to DAEP. Instead, it lists general “parenting support” as one of many options for responding to student misbehavior. Other potential consequences include community service and detention for the student.

The revised code of conduct also lists “hate speech” as a punishable offense. And it cuts in half the number of days a parent has to request an appeal of their child’s alternative school assignment.

DISD has been rethinking its approach to student discipline for years. Trustees have taken several steps designed to make punishment policies more equitable. Officials did so in acknowledgement that suspensions, expulsions and alternative school placements disproportionately affected students of color.

Dallas was among the first cities in Texas to prohibit kicking out kids in prekindergarten through second grade except in the most extreme cases, which later became state law in 2017.

After the pandemic, trustees voted to eliminate nearly all suspensions — both in- and out-of-school — and replace them with trips to “reset centers,” where students could stay in school while working on their behavior.

District officials said they wanted schools taking a restorative approach to discipline, rather than a purely punitive one.

Dallas still sent thousands of students to DAEP in the 2022-23 school year, according to state data. Certain offenses — such as assault or drug possession — trigger mandatory placement in alternative school.


But more than 1,000 alternative school placements that year were based on an administrator’s discretion. Principals may choose to send a student to DAEP for disruptive school behavior, among other discretionary reasons. That type of issue is among those that could prompt parenting support next school year.

At a recent community forum, several people raised questions about the district’s ideas, said Jazmyn Ferguson, director of organizing strategy for Dallas-Fort Worth at Leadership for Educational Equity.

Ferguson said community members were apprehensive about who would teach the proposed parenting classes and how often they would be held.

Others had questions about the addition of “hate speech” as an offense.


District leaders said they’ve dealt with incidents of students using derogatory language, directed at a certain person, tied to their race or gender.

Ferguson said families want to know more about the way this could play out on campuses.

“There were conversations around, what happens if a Black student uses the n-word, but then a white student uses it as well,” she said. “Would that be considered hate speech? For the Black student? For the white student?”

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