
Letters to the Editor — Media bias, background checks, FAA reauthorization, turnip greens

Readers respond to the column on media bias; don’t like the politics behind the background checks ruling; and thank Ted Cruz for his help with the FAA reauthorization.

Buckley nails it on bias

Re: “ Yes, our reporting is biased — to a degree,” by Stephen Buckley, Sunday Opinion.

Wow, Stephen Buckley hit the nail on the head about reporting from The Dallas Morning News. Being a conservative Republican and multi-decade subscriber and a carrier way back in high school, I was on the verge of canceling your paper because of this and rising subscription rates.


Buckley touched on every one of the concerns I had with the reporting that I felt was very slanted toward Democrats and liberals. Your paper’s blatant bias against our governor is just ridiculous.


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I look forward to my beliefs and concerns when it comes to politics will now be balanced when addressed by your paper. Buckley and his beliefs are something you have needed for a long time.

Steve Gandy, Plano


‘Truth does not have both sides’

As a regular reader and subscriber, I appreciate the paper’s commitment to presenting “both sides of every important question.” However, I am concerned about the perceived bias in the coverage of various topics. The truth does not have both sides. The truth is not biased. If you report “Donald Trump is guilty of 34 felony counts,” you do not need a counter opinion. Yes, the conservatives will howl and boycott, but the truth is plain.

The role of a newspaper is not to echo the sentiments of a particular political wing, but to report the truth. It is essential to separate facts from opinions, and to ensure that the voices of all parties involved are heard. This includes conservative voices, which the column admits are often missing from the narrative.


While it is important to include all perspectives in your reporting, it is equally crucial not to give in to the pressure of any group, including those who will be more vocal in their complaints. The goal should always be to present the truth, not to appease a particular faction.

Ross Manley, Carrollton

Getting gun vs. driver’s license

Re: “Judge blocks gun rule — 2022 regulation requires expanded background checks before purchase,” Thursday news story.

The final quote by Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk truly is a work in contradiction: that the new rules imposed by Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to require background checks for gun purchases made at gun shows, flea markets, etc., would require that “firearms owner prove innocence rather than the government prove guilt.”

Obtaining a driver’s license in Texas requires showing knowledge of Texas laws and proof of proficiency in operating a vehicle. The vehicle must also be registered with the state. There are no such requirements to obtain, carry or own a gun in Texas. Renewing a license in Texas even requires proof of citizenship or legal status, making it harder to renew and harder for some people to vote.

If it is incumbent on Texas residents to provide their own proof in these matters, why should gun sales/purchases/ownership continue to get such privileged treatment if prior logic was actually sound? Ken Paxton and Judge Kacsmaryk, you can’t have it both ways.

The current practice of “judge shopping” also must be stopped now. Frequent filings in courts in Texas such as Kacsmaryk’s court in Amarillo known to be friendly to cases coming out of our above-reproach attorney general’s office is leading to not just bad outcomes but highly contradictory, purely political results.


Judy Mynett Ward, Richardson

Getting both sides

Re: “What’s wrong with you?” by Robert W. Coleman, Wednesday Letters.

I’d like to comment on Coleman’s letter expressing disappointment that The Dallas Morning News had published Valeria Gurr’s column about school choice. Quite contrarily, I am grateful that The Dallas Morning News does not publish only one side of an issue.


In fact, understanding both sides of an issue informs us all better and enables us to make more knowledgeable decisions. Remember that old saying — know your enemy.

Also, by reading Gurr’s column, we are informed that if she represents the opinions of the Hispanic community, the rest of us need to do all we can to counteract their lack of understanding. I hope The News will continue to present both sides of the issues.

Jenny Downing, Dallas

Thanks, Sen. Cruz

As the world continues to modernize and develop, it is imperative to change with the times to ensure the safety and prosperity of Texans across the Lone Star State. The recent passage of the bipartisan Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization allows a $4 billion per year fund for airport infrastructure nationwide, further enshrining safety as the priority for traveling Texans.


Sen. Ted Cruz’s leadership helped pave the way for this legislation to pass in the Senate. As a frequent flyer from the Lone Star State, I noticed the severe lack of staff and proper infrastructure during my travels.

Delays are a constant theme as I wait in the terminals at San Antonio International Airport and DFW International Airport. I look forward to the improvements made by the bill. I appreciate and applaud Cruz’s leadership in making every Texans life just that much better when traveling.

Larry Richardson, Dallas

Grocery nostalgia

Reading about the advent of H-E-B and upscale Central Markets reminds me of when I was a wee girl and we shopped at A&P on Lemmon Avenue. There were bunches of carrots with green leaves and turnips with leaves.


At the checkout, the clerk would tear off the leaves and toss the turnips. My Wisconsin grandmother one day was horrified that the clerk tossed the turnips. She could not believe people ate turnip greens.

How times have changed! Better for health now and our different lifestyles, but sometimes interesting and fun to remember when ...

Barbara Wiskow, Dallas

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