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How charter schools are supporting teachers, families and communities during COVID-19

Learn about schools that have lent a helping hand during the pandemic.

The COVID-19 pandemic drastically changed the way many of us live, but one thing has remained constant: the determination of charter schools to support teachers, students and their families, and communities in every way they can.

Across the nation

The following examples illustrate some of the creative ways charter schools across the nation initially reacted and continue to respond to the pandemic.

  • Laramie Montessori Charter School – In an effort to end the 2019-2020 school year with a degree of normalcy, this Wyoming charter held a drive-thru “Car Line Celebration” celebrating students, teachers and families. The overall purpose was to positively unite the school community experience after weeks of online instruction, giving students and teachers a chance to see each other and celebrate the end of a very trying school year.
  • Career Academy South Bend – This Indiana charter also held a drive-thru ceremony to honor its graduating seniors, handing out diplomas and celebrating student accomplishments with one vehicle per student and their family. Outstanding seniors were also honored on digital billboards in the community and featured on Facebook. After reopening for on-campus classes in fall 2021, the school maintains constant contact with local health officials for guidance on any adjustments to campus policies in response to the pandemic.
  • Rocky Mountain Prep – This Colorado charter teamed up with a nearby church and food bank to provide meals for local families. School and church volunteers sorted food items, packed boxes and passed out food packages to over 500 families, and the school has continued its food assistance program into 2022. At a dozen locations in the school’s service area, it provides free “grab-and-go” breakfasts and lunches seven days a week to any child, not just students, up to age 18.
  • Excel Academy Charter School – Supporting students’ mental health was the focus of this Massachusetts charter school. It launched a website and Instagram page that provided counseling resources, physical health support, and information on COVID-19 testing and where individuals could find personal protective equipment. Through its website, the school now provides the latest CDC recommendations regarding vaccinations and a list of pop-up clinics where vaccines are available.
  • Baxter Academy for Technology and Science – When the staff of this Portland, Maine, charter learned about ventilator shortages in nearby hospitals, faculty, students and alumni built a ventilator that they donated to a local hospital. When tested, it performed as well as medical-grade equipment already in use. The school now distributes a weekly newsletter containing the latest COVID-19-related information and guidance.
  • Discovery Charter School – This Rochester, New York, charter did not allow the pandemic to deter its commitment to bettering the surrounding community. To keep its students civically involved, the school held a community project day during which staff, students and their families — all wearing protective gear and maintaining social distancing — cleaned up streets, parks and green spaces in their respective neighborhoods. Although its campus has reopened, the school’s website maintains a vast array of online learning resources.

The Texas response

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In Texas, the initial response to the pandemic focused on charter schools maintaining adequate lines of communication for the safety of teachers, staff, and students and their families while continuing their education programs.

The Texas Public Charter School Association (TPCSA) provided Texas charter schools an abundance of information to help them respond to the pandemic. Among other materials, the TPCSA compiled an extensive list of distance learning materials, including guidance on keeping students engaged remotely, content resources by subject matter and resources for special education.


The D-FW response

Most websites for charter schools in the D-FW area have special pages related to COVID-19, outlining the school’s pandemic-related safety precautions and policies.

Here are examples from two of the larger D-FW charter school systems that have responded to the pandemic.


KIPP Texas Public Schools

KIPP operates six schools with 3,000 students in the D-FW area, and 59 schools with 32,000 students across the state. CEO Sheba Ali points with justifiable pride to the ways in which KIPP has responded to the pandemic. “We’ve grounded everything in tenets focused on safety and care,” she says.

KIPP also hired a board-certified pediatrician to serve as its director of student wellness and has implemented a special KIPP Texas Recovery Plan to assist its students in recovering academically, socially and emotionally from the effects of the pandemic. In 2021, KIPP staff received two “gratitude bonuses” as a thank-you on behalf of KIPP students.

Ali points out that the KIPP system constantly monitors and updates its health and safety protocols to ensure the safety of students and staff. In fall 2021, KIPP held a number of community-wide vaccine clinics for children ages 5-11. The vaccination program was titled “I Am Not Throwing Away My Shot,” a play on words from the musical “Hamilton.”

Uplift Education

Uplift Education operates 45 schools in the D-FW area with about 22,000 students, and much of its COVID-19 response has been aimed at providing students, families and staff with academic, emotional and financial support. Special Summer Scholarships were offered in 2021 to help Uplift students meet all their academic requirements, and Uplift is currently planning to hold a community resource fair known as Hand-in-Hand. During the event, there will be health screenings and vaccinations, and special guests will provide information on resources such as job training and rental assistance programs.

Throughout the year, Uplift also maintains a Family Therapy program to assist students and families in coping with various challenges, including those stemming from the pandemic. This program provides counseling assistance to the Uplift community, enabling students to complete their education and become productive members of their community.