

The hypocrisy behind Emmitt Smith’s proposal for Cowboys QB Dak Prescott to sign a team-friendly deal

Does the phrase ‘Thurman Thomas money’ ring any bells?

One of the privileges of age is that if you’re lucky, you outlive anyone who can say it wasn’t so. This is a basic precept of parenting. Children don’t generally ask their parents if they practiced what they preach because they can’t imagine they were ever young or capable of anything. The older I get, the more I’m inclined to agree.

The problem for Emmitt Smith is that you can look this stuff up on Google.

In case you missed it, Emmitt was hawking his favorite tequila on a recent podcast called The Lefkoe Show when a question came up about his old team, the Cowboys. The host asked how the Joneses can possibly accommodate all their free agents, starting with Dak Prescott and Amari Cooper.

And that’s when Emmitt said Dak should take one for the team. Don’t try to get all the money you can. Especially when you already benefit financially by playing for the Cowboys.


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Or with:

“Instead of taking $35 million,” Emmitt proposed, “would you take $28 million and leave some for Amari and pick up the rest of the $35 million through endorsements?”


Now, I know what you’re thinking: Genius! Jerry Jones probably thought the same thing once he got up off the floor.

Jerry, no doubt, recalls the fall of 1993, when he engaged in a financial war to end all wars with his star running back, then coming off his third season. Emmitt had led the NFL in rushing two years in a row, including 1,713 yards and a whopping 18 rushing touchdowns in 1992. Emmitt was the engine of that Super Bowl winner, and he figured he should get paid like it, too.

Buffalo’s Thurman Thomas had set the bar the previous July by signing a four-year deal for $13.5 million. From that point forward, Emmitt was on record wanting “Thurman Thomas money.” Jerry countered that he couldn’t pay so much. The game’s first salary cap would be going into effect the next season and he had others to pay. Emmitt didn’t budge, which is how he came to sit out the first two games of the ’93 season.


Maybe not so coincidentally, the defending champs lost both games. Panic ruled the streets in those dark days. The Cowboys’ locker room was no less in disarray. Charles Haley, unimpressed with Derrick Lassic’s performance in Emmitt’s place, smashed a wall and screamed, “We can’t win with this rookie running back!”

Jerry must have heard all the racket, because four days later, he flew to Atlanta to sign Emmitt to a new deal: four years, $13.6 million, or $100,000 better than Thurman Thomas money. Jerry front-loaded the contract to make it fit under the cap later.

Emmitt told reporters that if the Cowboys hadn’t lost both games he was out, he was pretty sure Jerry wouldn’t have caved. But Emmitt’s gamble paid off personally, if not so much for the Cowboys.

“I got what I wanted,” he said. Only maybe he didn’t, as it turns out.

Asked on the podcast if he’d ever left money on the table, he cited his very same holdout. He says now that he wanted “$28 million over three, four years.” For a little perspective, the game’s highest-paid player at the time was Miami’s Dan Marino at $4.4 million a year. If what he’s saying now is true, Emmitt was asking nearly twice what the game’s best quarterback was making. Which is not how the market usually works.

So what changed Emmitt’s mind? Tim Brown, Woodrow Wilson’s Heisman Trophy winner, told him just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. Emmitt didn’t like watching his team lose, either.

“Just gimme the money I need,” he says he told Jerry.

“Thurman Thomas money,” in other words.


As for Dak, it’s not clear how much he wants, though we know for sure how much he’s been paid. Comes to $4.7 million over four years, which, in the opinion of our David Moore, makes him the most “dramatically underpaid” player in the league.

Of course, that won’t be the case much longer. Dak reportedly turned down $30 million a year last summer, with $90 million of the package guaranteed. That’s a lot of money to snub. Except when you learn that Jared Goff got $110 million guaranteed.

Dak isn’t worth what Patrick Mahomes will get soon enough, and he may not rate the $35 million Russell Wilson earns now.

But he certainly deserves “Jared Goff money,” doesn’t he?


If these numbers seem hard to comprehend, you’re right, they are. But know this, too: Jerry’s sure not going broke, and he’s not getting the stuffing knocked out of him, either. Outside of boxing and divorce court, the NFL is the world’s most dangerous game. Yet football players rank well behind MLB and NBA peers in compensation, mainly because so little of their contracts are guaranteed.

The NFLPA, as a result, frowns on players signing for less than the going rate. Not that players need to be reminded. For most, it’s a matter of pride. Just like it was for Emmitt back in ’93.

You’d think a former player would come down on the side of one of his heirs and not argue that, as a Cowboy, Dak makes a lot of money on the side. Even if it’s true, it’s not the usual union take. Jerry would applaud it, though. Once he collects himself, that is.